Wow, its almost time for dinner. I was hoping to have explained all of Galilee by now but I haven't started yet.Back up on Mount Hippos. Shea tried everything to get his camera. He went and found a big metal pole, it was bent. I don't now he was supposed to make that work. Soon it was time for us to leave if we were going to make it back in time to go to the fish restaurant for dinner. There was a trail heading down that mountain that was marked 'Ei
n Gev'. The tour group of girls we had seen headed down that way. We didn't have much time so we started running. We had to go as fast as possible but be careful not to twist an ankle. It was really rocky. It was a beautiful view, so invigorating to run. We were running down the west side of the hill. It overlooked the sun getting lower over the sea of Galilee. I kept up with the guys pretty well. We only jumped one more fence into the other side of the grain field we had been in before, they convinced me because we were going to be late. Don't worry mom we picked up my sweatshirt in the bush on the side of the road as we ran by. Covered with dirt and sweat I ran back to my bungalow. I took a shower and made it to the bus in time to go to dinner!

At the fish restaurant I got a real St Peter fish with an eyeball still in it! Picture above shows us eating our ice cream for desert. After dinner we took a trip out to visit Tiberius. They took us to a large grocery store, just like costco where as a member of the class parties comittee I helped Lauren and Rich spend 300 shekels on smores and other junk food for our galilee bonfire! We walked around downtown Tiberius (it's really small) a litte bit and drove back to Ein Gev. The next day March 27 we had class in the morning. In the afternoon of this day we went on a hike. See photo at left. This was a free afternoon but we had the option of going on a hike in the Golan Heights to a waterfall. This hike reminded me of the waterfall hike we went on with the Young Single adults in Bryce Canyon (just the waterfall part) counts in the top 10 most beaut
Okay, I had to take an hour and a half break to go to choir. It's late now so I'm going to quickly tell you about everything and then add pictures later. (Wow, side note, when Marie and JP helped me set up this blog I had no idea it would turn into this!)
Anyway, the hike was really beautiful it led to a waterfall with a pool where we could swim. It was freezing cold but eventually everyone was coaxed into jumping in.
The next morning Friday March 28 we went on our Jezreel Valley Field Trip. First thing we visited was Beth Shean. Beth Shean is really important historically becuase its in a very fertile area. It also guards the way to the coast. We had about an hour to explore the ruins. This picture shows the theatre stage behind me. There were some really cool Roman bath ruins to see. Lots of students took pictures of themselves climbing and posing on the ruins.
Next we went to Gan Ha-Shelosha. This is a recreational place to swim (like Cherry hill or something). The cool part is the water all comes from natural springs. The water was so beautiful! It didn't feel like normal water (almost silky). There were two little rock caves to swim into. I scraped my legs on a bunch of hidden rocks under the water (adding to my tradition of hurting myself everday). They were so beautiful! The water glowed blue-green inside. The most exciting part of the trip were the little fish that would nibble on you. There was a certain part of the pool where if you stood the fish come, (they seemed to go for the heel bone). A little farther toward the rocks however their was a bigger fish that was actually biting! Rich, Danny, and Brooke showed me their scratches. Ouch! Rich said it was one of the scariest experiences of his life to be in the water with that thing biting him. Before we left a bunch of students and the lifeguard were trying to find the fish.
We changed really fast, ate lunch on the bus and went to the Bet-Alpha synagogue. The mosaic floor from this synagogue (600 AD, Talmudic times) shows Greek and Christian influence. The main picture on the floor is a Zodiac (totally Greek) and the architectural style of the synagogue is Christian. Next we went to a church in Nain. Nain is where Christ raised the only son of a widow from the dead. It was a beautiful little church up in a Palestinian neighborhood. Brother Draper gave a lecture and we sang hymns. Last we went to Mt. Tabor. At Mount Tabor our bus driver dropped us off and we rode in taxis up to the top of the Mt. There were lots of tourists (this is a big Christian site) so we had to wait in line to get in a taxi. I was toward the front of our group, eating an ice cream cone when a driver yelled that their was room for two more in a car. Lyndsey and I were closest so we went for it. It was a six doored taxi. Lyndsey got put in the middle door. I was going to sit next to her I thought. The taxi driver opened the last door where was seated a very large Italian woman. She had to uncomfortably scoot herself over to make room for me. I sat down, shut the door and we were off. Our taxi driver was the quintessential funny old Arab man. Lyndsay started to use her Arabic on him. He enjoyed talking to her. Whatever she said he thought was funny. He laughed really easily (it was almost like he was drunk, I hope not). The road up the mountain has lots of switchbacks. Lyndsay cheerfully enjoyed one of the turns, "woah". The old man thought it was great. To give Lyndsay a good time he took the next turn a little faster. "Woah". "Woah" Lyndsay repeated. Pretty soon the whole car was in on the game. Every turn this car full of Italians would giggle like little kids. 'Mamma mia!' the driver yelled as he went around the next turn (he probably drives lots of Italians up Mt.Tabor). The large lady next to me was just ticked. She tried to hold onto the seat in front of her but she was nearly drunken by her giddy laughter. Every turn it bubbled out of her. It was the kind of unihibited laughter that screams and brings tears. It was amazing. I sat up against the door eating my ice cream cone.
We got up to the top. Tom talked with some of the Italians (he served in Milan). I used the bathroom and checked out the Catholic trinkets in the gift shop. I was wandering around taking pictures while we waited for the rest of our group when I heard a lady behind us say "Hey, its the students from BYU." People in the Old City know we're BYU students but in Galilee? Turns out it was Anne and Truman G. Madsen! (Yes, he IS on wikipedia!) They are here in the holy land right now making films. Anne is doing one on Isaiah and Truman is doing one on the teachings of Jesus. They had their film crew, a small party of people with them. All of us were snapping pictures like crazy. Brother Draper was just coming up the mountain. "Richard?, good to see you". They visited for a bit and we told them what time the Tiberius branch met the next day for church. As we headed off, everyone was going off about how Madsen is THE authority on church history right now. I haven't really read any Madsen before. Chris told me I should listen to his propets tapes. (Apparently all the guys listened to them on their missions, nerds).
Anyway, Mt. Tabor is the traditional site of the Transfiguration. There have been many churches on this mountain commemorating in different ages. Currently there is a beautiful Fransiscan Roman Catholic church built in 1924. Inside the church mass was going on so we had to be quiet. On either side of the main area there are two chapels. One is dedicated to Moses and the other to Elijah. Moses and Elijah appeared to Peter, James and John during the transfiguration.
The next day March 29 we went to church in the Tiberius branch. In the morning Cami and I were running to the bus. I felt something go in my sandal. Ow, I thought it was a thorn or something, it was bee. I had stepped on a bee and it stung me! I had no choice but to continue running to the bus, I wasn't going to miss church in Tiberius! That is where I will leave you hanging for tonight. Tomorrow we have to be on the bus at 6:30! Guess where we are going. Masada! Also we're going to Qumran (dead sea scrolls were discovered here) and swimming in the Dead Sea. Thanks for reading, hopefully I don't have too many mitksks and you cna udersyaud.
1 comment:
In the pictures, your faces glow. You look so happy and beautiful.
Nice shirt you are wearing in the photo in front of the "stage".
Did the guy leave his camera in the cistern?
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